Survival Tip of the Day


How to survive a Raised Bed shopping Trip when you don't have a building plan:


#1 Make a beautiful plan for 24" tall 4'x8' raised beds made from 1"x12" with 4"x4" corners.

#2 Do a quick calculation in your head (or on your phone, no judgement) and discover that you have just planned a thousand dollars worth of materials.

#3 Head to the store anyway.

#4 Wonder helplessly around hardware store confirming through quick internet searches that it is a bad idea to make your raised beds out of various weak and toxic chemicals.

#5 Look up alternative, less deadly, materials to see if they will withstand any length of time in the elements.

#6 Have a lengthy discussion about removing the siding from your house and just using that. Realize that your siding is likely also poison.

#7 Load an entire lumber cart full of 16' long utility boards.

#8 Do some more math and realize that for like 10% more you can just make them out of 2x4s. 

#9 Wheel cart back to utility board section. Abandon cart full of lumber.

#10 Get new cart. Fill with 54 2x4s. 

#12 Purchase.

#13 Strap to top of RAV. Take the one wiggly one and put it inside the car.

#14 FLEE! (Driving very slowly with blinkers on) toward your home.


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