Raw Potential

Nine tons of raw, yet untapped, potential arrived at The Patch yesterday.  That's a literal nine tons, not a metaphorical or hyperbolic nine tons. When nine tons of anything arrives at your house it probably looks something like this:


It's probably a good thing I didn't know that eight cubic yards of soil weighs nine tons or I'm not sure this would have gotten off the ground. What is a reasonable amount of soil to move one bucket at a time in a day, you might ask.  No idea, but I'm pretty sure it is less than a dump truck's worth.  A literal dump truck's worth. 

Pribble's Patch Player of the Week

Winner: (and all around hero of the patch) NATE SPENCER, who was volun-told to come by the house and help me move some dirt. 8 cubic yards of dirt. A lot, but not like a measurement that novices like us have any real grasp of. You think of a raised bed as a lot of dirt, but a manageable amount.  You think of six raised beds as a lot of beds, but a manageable number. And, what's a couple extra yards just to make sure you don't run short? Child's play.


Runner Up: goes to one RACHEL SPENCER who came by with fresh arms for the last couple hours and helped to finish the last of the projects.  Other notable contributions include driving us all to Mexican food at the end of the day, and driving us all home after we refueled our weary muscles with enchiladas and margaritas.  

Honorable Mentions:

TIMOTHY SPENCER who organized the dirt delivery, took the phone call when the very rude first nursery refused to deliver our dirt (something to do with the proximity to the garage, liability, and being spineless cowards), sweet talked a new service to bring us day of dirt, and generally telling us how awesome we are every time I texted status updates.

GARDEN WORLD, SAUGUS MA who took Tim's call and arrived with a higher quality nine tons of dirt at a better price in under two hours. Probably helpful that it was midday on Tuesday, but AWESOME all around.

MY WIMPY ARM MUSCLES who despite being very wimpy indeed, kept going strong all day and do not much hurt today. Although, they do seem to get very tired carrying a coffee mug more than about thirty feet.

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